Using AR and VR in the Education Industry

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have become a tool for research and development (R&D) in various fields. 

Using AR and VR in the Education Industry

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have become a tool for research and development (R&D) in various fields.  Augmented reality devices help users visualize an event by incorporating digital elements into a physical world. On the other hand, virtual reality glasses offer their users a completely digital and three-dimensional experience. Both technologies are considered to be extremely important, especially when it comes to learning and education.

AR and VR are used in a variety of industries because they can easily replace current sources for depicting images. This has been very helpful for companies that feel the need to conserve resources.

Bendangtoshi T. Dominica Jamir, who has a master's degree in User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) at New York Technical Institute, has developed a web-based platform that can enhance traditional learning using Virtual Reality (VR).

Jamir has always hoped to reduce the gap between modern technology and its daily users. Talking about it, "Coming to New York City was the first step in my challenge to build a career and excel in AR/VR and UX/UI." says.

“VR learning can be a boon for students who have to social distancing and are geographically remote from the rest of the world, as long as they have good internet. It seems inevitable that this emerging, relatively new VR technology will become part of our daily lives.” he adds.

However, Jamir thinks that there is a need to raise awareness in people about education with VR. People should know about the benefits and value of VR.

Along with other sectors, the education sector is also changing. This sector is including technology more and more in the learning process with each passing day, and it should. Although the rate of adaptation is slow, the impact of technology has begun to be felt more due to the current global situation.

Mariela Damaris Urzua Reyes developed an app that uses augmented reality (AR) elements to help students learn about chemistry concepts. This app allows students to learn and understand various chemistry concepts, such as closely observing, analyzing and looking at molecules from different angles.

Speaking about the application, Mariela Damaris Urzua Reyes said: "In chemistry, we developed an application where my students could visualize the hybridization process of carbon, the form the hybrid orbitals take, and how the single, double and triple bonds of hydrocarbons are."

Reyes added that with AR, classrooms can be transformed into a learning environment that allows students to explore the unknown. Thanks to technology, students can now visualize atoms and molecules much better, so they can better understand the concepts.

Augmented reality and virtual reality have proven to be very important and diverse technological fields that have helped many researchers around the world make groundbreaking discoveries. The inclusion of these technologies in the education system will increase student interaction and make education more understandable and fun for them, especially due to the shift of classrooms to the online environment today.