Why Should You Use Multiple Approaches to Corporate Training and Transformation?

Microlearning, theme-based learning, gamification, spaced learning, and other modern digital learning strategies are sometimes applied together to manage internal change.

Why Should You Use Multiple Approaches to Corporate Training and Transformation?

Blended Learning

We live in an age where nothing stays the same and change has become an integral part of every company. Change can appear in different ways, such as outsourcing, introducing new company policies, and implementing new technology. Change is an important and critical part of every system. Statistics show that 33% of companies' management levels do not support change and 39% of employees are resistant to change. It is crucial to design and develop an appropriate communication method to improve overall business performance in the change management process.

Likewise, digital education is effective when designed on the basis of effective strategies. In the change management process, managers need to determine what can change in the first place, measure the resistance of employees to change and cope with similar difficulties. For this reason, modern digital education strategies such as micro-learning, theme-based learning, gamification, spaced learning and similar are applied together in order to soften the change process.

One of the leading companies in energy management and automation wanted to create an effective training program that would help employees and stakeholders understand the need to change company values. To meet the different needs of these two different groups, the company followed a two-pronged learning strategy, one for the employees and the other for the stakeholders of the company.

New Values ​​Module

The company created the "new values ​​module", a learning module with multiple strategies, including topic-based, gamified, and spaced microlearning for employees in all its departments. The module included several learning objectives to encourage participation in training and help employees understand changing company values. The theme-based learning strategy was implemented in the "time machine" concept, with the idea of ​​taking employees from the old system of the past to the new system of the future.

To begin with, an interactive animated video was played to help trainees understand the whole context of learning. The trainees were then asked to view a video message from the CEO of the company. The video was an informative video for the employees about the purpose of the revised company values ​​and the need to transition from today's values ​​to the values ​​of the future. The purpose of the message was to convey a strong message to trainees about the need to transition to a new value system. A fun-filled gamified learning approach was then followed so that the trainees could learn effectively, practice their skills and compete amicably with their colleagues. Games in digital learning have proven many times to be fun and engaging. A "learn, apply and share" strategy was followed to create an appropriate learning flow. Let's take a closer look at the details of this strategy:

1. Learn

At this stage, the trainees learned information that answered their questions such as why change is necessary, why new values ​​should be applied, and helps them understand the context of the training. They then moved on to a multidimensional learning environment, through a method of storytelling, in which the company's CEO expressed his views on new values, the need for change in the company's values, and how this would affect company growth.

2. Apply

At this stage, the trainees moved from the current value system to the value system of the future. At this stage, mini-games were included in the training to increase overall participation and enable employees to apply what they learned effectively. Changing values ​​were illustrated in engaging videos that provided detailed information and developed trainees' competence on values ​​and facts.

3. Share

Learning is of course a continuous process and should be at regular intervals. When modern students learn quickly, they reinforce their knowledge and renew their learning periodically. Therefore, in the third phase, infographics, audio podcasts and comics were provided to trainees to provide learning reinforcement. Microlearning was adopted as an effective strategy to support reinforcement. The contents were created to be divided into sections and delivered to the trainees at certain time intervals. As a result, the level of memorability of the information increased, and the trainees were able to complete the training at their own pace and in the environment they wanted.


In today's digital age, change management is recognized as a structured approach that helps individual employees, teams and organizations adapt to the roles expected of them in the future. The point mentioned above is not about training on the latest developments for change, but about creating a new employee profile that has been trained to keep up with different change processes. Change is based on the need to stay one step ahead in order to adapt to the ever-evolving business environment and stay competitive. It will be easier and more appropriate for companies to soften the transition processes and take advantage of digital learning by using game-based learning, using a theme-based approach, micro-learning, scenario-based learning and many different modern digital strategies.