Present and Future of e-learning: Trends for 2022

While investments in e-learning reached $18.6 billion in 2019, this figure is expected to reach $350 billion by 2025.

Present and Future of e-learning: Trends for 2022

Although the demands for e-learning seem to have increased during the pandemic period, the beginning of this interest actually dates back to previous years. While investments in e-learning reached $18.6 billion in 2019, this figure is expected to reach $350 billion by 2025. This learning model is constantly evolving and renewing. Considering the current conditions, we can say that there will be a strong growth in this area in 2022.

Agenda in 2022: E-learning
With the pandemic process, the need for models that will eliminate distances has increased. Currently, around 1.2 billion children around the world are unable to go to school due to safety measures. Technology is the only tool that can be trusted to ensure the continuity of the education system.

While the number of online learning platforms is increasing rapidly, there are 8 times more applications to trainings made through these platforms compared to the past. While the ever-increasing demands bring innovations to this sector, it becomes difficult for users to follow these innovations. Let's take a closer look at this issue by explaining the e-learning trends of 2022.

Games are an Excellent and Creative Way to Encourage Active Learning
Active learning describes the learning experience in which students are a part of the learning process, rather than passively reading books and answering questions. Games help make the learning process fun while making it easier for students to focus on educational content. For this reason, we frequently encounter games in the field of e-learning lately and we will continue to see these games.

Personalization is a Key Trend Coming with E-learning
Some highlights of online learning allow students to take increasingly personalized lessons. This personalization trend will continue to increase with each passing year. This model will make it easier for students to learn effectively exactly where they need it.

Smart Devices Make E-learning Highly Flexible
Students can now join online classes at work or during travel, lunch or evening break. While the increase in internet speed provides this opportunity, the development in technological devices also gives the opportunity to attend these trainings from devices such as phones, tablets and laptops. E-learning is a timeless and placeless learning model.

Peer Learning Gains Speed
Some educational platforms that have come to the fore recently offer a service for peer-to-peer conversation and learning in this way. Thus, there is a real-time live lesson experience between teachers and students. While this learning model provides a strong bond between peers, it improves people's communication skills and brings success to their learning processes.

Quality, not Quantity
Average online training time is between 15-30 minutes. Although the durations applied in the classical education approach, which can sometimes go up to 2 hours, are shorter in video trainings, the learning success is much higher in the e-learning model. Short-term but high-concentration trainings support the interest of students and increase their success.

The Use of Artificial Intelligence Will Reach All Sectors
Augmented reality apps can effectively enhance learning, provide feedback to students, and personalize the learning experience. An example of this model is that it is possible for students to practice their new language in computer environment.

With this model, automated tasks such as digital reminders and marking multiple choice tests will also improve and become more effective. Although artificial intelligence cannot replace a teacher at the moment, this reality may change in the future in the light of technological developments.

VR, AR and MR are Growing Fast
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality continues to grow rapidly. It is estimated that 6.86 million VR/AR devices will be shipped worldwide in 2023 and the market will reach $209.2 billion in 2022. Businesses and educators are taking advantage of this fast-growing market to engage students in this new, exciting learning environment. Virtual reality-based learning is also very effective in terms of success in learning, as it invites students to a new technological experience beyond the educational process. Willing students are the basic element of success in education.

By 2023, 82% of online traffic is projected to be video content. While video learning is increasing with video-based learning, it is predicted that robots will be included in these education processes. In this direction, it is an indispensable reality in terms of success for institutions to continue their education online and integrate them into this development. Take advantage of these trends we've covered in our content and incorporate them into your online or live classes. Keep your students engaged, enjoy new technologies and continue to increase your knowledge day by day.