5 Tools to Help Gamify Your e-Learning Content

Gamification in e-Learning is the use of game theory and game mechanics to engage users in problem solving in non-game contexts.

5 Tools to Help Gamify Your e-Learning Content

Gamification has become much more common in the last few years, in fact it's now the norm, and nearly all types of e-Learning contain some form of "gamified" content. Gamification in e-Learning is the use of game theory and game mechanics to engage users in problem solving in non-game contexts. The main purpose of gamification is to motivate your students – and motivated students often perform better.

How can you "gamify" your e-Learning content? There are many HTML5-based authoring tools that can help you create engaging online content. We have compiled five of them for you.

1. Raptivity
Raptivity is a great tool to help you create fast engagement for effective learning. The tool has over 180 e-Learning templates including interactive comparison charts, diagrams, polls, multiple selections and more. Each template has unique interactions based on various learning stages to help you quickly create an engaging course. All Raptivity templates are fully customizable, including colors, backgrounds, fonts and layouts.

2. Articulate
Articulate has a number of apps to help you create more engaging content. Articulate Storyline, Presenter, Quizmaker, and Engage are all suitable tools for "gamifying" your online content. You can create PowerPoint slides with floating windows, markers, and hotspots to grab your students' attention. There is no limit to what you can do.

3. iSpring
iSpring is a plug-in that is fully integrated with PowerPoint. iSpring helps you create courses, online presentations, quizzes and interactions in the familiar PowerPoint interface. You can easily enhance your PowerPoint presentation with embedded video lectures, interactive quizzes or surveys while keeping all PowerPoint features like animations and fonts. You can also easily convert it to SCORM content for easy upload to LMS (learning management system).

4. Adobe Captivate
Adobe Captivate reimagines the way interactive e-Learning is built for a multi-device world. You can enhance mobile learning on any screen without programming using the all-new responsive typing feature. Use the intuitive user interface to turn PowerPoint presentations into engaging e-Learning using actors, sounds, interactions and quizzes. Leverage best-in-class HTML5 publishing to deliver any content to mobile devices, the WEB, desktops and leading LMSs.

5. Elucidate
Elucidat is an "intelligent" eLearning authoring platform that solves the challenges faced by busy e-Learning authoring teams when using desktop-based authoring software made for individual writers. Elucidat is web-based, incredibly easy to use, and helps you create highly engaging HTML5 content that works perfectly on any device. Elucidat was fully customizable by developers, they had endless control over animations and interactions